Grade 11 School Syllabus and Teachers Guide – Sinhala Medium


Grade 11 School Syllabus

Business and accounting  –  View | Download
Entrepreneurship study  –  View | Download
Dance  –  View | Download
Communication and media study  –  View | Download

Grade 11 Teachers Guide

Sinhala Language and Literature guide  –  View | Download
Mathematics teachers guide  –  View | Download
Science teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Health and physical education teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Dancing teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Oriental music teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Buddhism teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Christianity teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Catholicism teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Geography  teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
History   teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Information and Communication Technology  –  View | Download
Business and accounting studies teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Tamil (Second Language) teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Aquatic life technology teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Crafts teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Home economics teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Agriculture and Food Technology teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Design and construction technology  –  View | Download
Design and Mechanical Technology  –  View | Download
Design, electricity and electronics  –  View | Download
Art  teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Drama and the Theater teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Communication and media study  –  View | Download
Hindi language teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Korean language teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Pali Language teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Sansckrit Language teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Entrepreneurship study teacher’s guide  –  View | Download
Citizen education teacher’s guide  –  View | Download


Source : National Institute of Education Official Website