Job Resignation Letter Sample in Sri Lanka Free Download

Job Resignation Letter Sample in Sri Lanka Free Download (Sinhala / English /Tamil)

Resignation is the act of leaving your job. The resignation letter states your intent to leave the company you currently work for.

You should write a resignation letter because it is the most professional thing to do,Your resignation letter formally informs your boss that you are leaving the job and that it will be necessary to appoint someone else to replace you and take on your responsibilities. Bottom line, don’t quit without one.

Sample Resignation Letter

[Your Name]
[Street • City • State • Zip Code]
[Phone # • Fax phone # • Messages phone # • Email]
[Date today]

[Recipient’s name]

[Company name]

Dear [Recipient’s name]:

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from [Company name], effective [date, two weeks from date above]. The associations I’ve made during my employment here will truly be memorable for years to come.

I hope a two-week notice is sufficient for you to find a replacement for me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work here.


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[Your name, title]

cc [Names for copies]


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