Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer (OCPJP 8)

This course is most suitable for those already working in a Java environment and wish to advance their skills to a professional level. It assumes that participants have already completed the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer (OCAJP) certification.

Why obtain this certification ?

  • Demonstrate your skills to your employer, peers and customers – show that you have advanced proficiency in Java Technologies and use industry-standard best practices
  • Enhance your salary, job opportunities and credibility by adding the newest and most up-to-date credentials to your resume
  • Get officially accredited as a Java Professional

Exam Details

Exam Number:
Exam Product Version:
Java SE
Exam Price:
USD 150
150 Minutes
Number of Questions:
Passing Score:
Multiple Choice
This course is most suitable for those already working in a Java environment and wish to advance their skills to a professional level. It assumes that participants have already completed the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer (OCAJP) certification.


60 Hours

Course Fee:

LKR 25,000

Instalment Plan:

Rs. 8,000 + (Rs. 8,500 x 2)

Advanced Class Design

  • OCA Concepts
  • instanceof
  • Virtual Method Invocation
  • Annotating Overridden Methods

Design Patterns and Principles

  • Coding equals, hashCode and toString
  • Enums
  • Nested Classes
  • Designing an Interface
  • Introducing Functional Programming

Generics and Collections

  • Implementing Polymorphism
  • Design Principles
  • Design Patterns
  • Array and ArrayList
  • Generics

Functional Programming

  • Lists, Sets, Maps and Queues
  • Comparator vs. Comparable 143
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Using Variables in Lambdas
  • Working with Built-In Functional Interfaces
  • Returning an Optional

Dates, Strings and Localization

  • Using Streams
  • Working with Primitives
  • Working with Advanced Stream Pipeline Concepts

Exceptions and Assertions

  • Working with Dates and Times
  • String class
  • Adding Internationalization and Localization
  • Reviewing Exceptions
  • Creating Custom Exceptions
  • Using Multi-catch


  • Using Try-With-Resources
  • Rethrowing Exceptions
  • Assertions
  • Introducing Threads
  • Creating Threads with the ExecutorService
  • Synchronizing Data Access
  • Using Concurrent Collections


  • Working with Parallel Streams
  • Managing Concurrent Processes
  • Identifying Threading Problems
  • Understanding Files and Directories


  • Introducing Streams
  • Working with Streams
  • Interacting with Users
  • Introducing NIO.2
  • Paths and Files

JDBC 505

  • File Attributes
  • New Stream Methods
  • Comparing Legacy File and NIO.2 Methods
  • Introducing Relational Databases and SQL
  • Introducing the Interfaces of JDBC
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Obtaining a Statement
  • Executing a Statement
  • Getting Data from a ResultSet
  • Closing Database Resource