Microcontroller programming with Arduino

what is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for anyone making interactive projects.

Arduino board

Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, and affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.

Arduino software

You can tell your Arduino what to do by writing code in the Arduino programming language and using the Arduino development environment.

Ideally for actual beginners who wish to gain a sound knowledge in microcontroller programming. For university students it will be helpful to develop their projects on microcontroller programming.
Anyone who are interested in this area can start with this program as we start this program from the very basics.


Duration :

3 Months / 40 Hours

Course Fee :



Instalment 1: 9,900/=

Instalment 2: 6,600/=

Training mode :

Class room and interactive and hands on practicals

Certification :

ESOFT Certification

Chapter 1: Introduction to Basic Electronics

Behavior of Electrons

    • The Definition of current
    • Difference between voltage & current

Passive devices Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors

    • What Is the Resistor
    • Type of resistors and application
    • Capacitance and application of capacitors
    • Type of inductors and applications


    • Pin configuration
    • Operation

Measuring and soldering

  • Soldering technique.
  • Operation
  • Operating of multi-meter

Chapter 2: Basics of microcontroller

  • What is a microcontroller?
  • Type of microcontrollers and use in various applications
  • Essential part of Micro contoler
    • Pin configeration
    • Clock generator
    • Instrauction set
  • Arduino Hardware Overview.
    • Type of prototyping boards.
    • Arduino-Uno Schematic and pin configuration

Chapter 3: Arduino instruction set and programming methodology

  • What is an Instruction?
  • How instruction execute inside microcontroller?
  • Arduino IDE and Sketch Overview
  • Understanding Arduino Syntax.

Chapter 4: First Arduino project Blink an LED

  • Understanding and Using Variables
  • For Loop Iteration
  • Creating delay.
  • Generate own design led pattern

Chapter 5: Serial communication

  • Basis of communications.
  • Serial Communication protocols
  • Use of hyperterminal Application.
  • Read write data via serial communication.
  • Interface with .net project.

Chapter 6: Seven Segment Display

  • Introduction to SSD common cathode & anode
  • Internal circuit of 4 Segment
  • Up down counter.
  • Control SSD using MAX7219 IC.
  • Control Of LCD

Chapter 7: Interfacing sensors

  • Type of sensors
  • Simple digital thermo meter
  • Use of Ultrasonic sensors
  • Rotary Encoders

Chapter 8: Pulse Width Modulation

  • Basis of PWM
  • Control intensity of light
  • Control speed of motor

Chapter 9: Ethernet shield.

  • TCP/IP Protocol
  • Arduino web server
  • Send data to SQL server using web service

Chapter 10: Interrupts handling and Location tracking.

  • What is an interrupt
  • Software Interrupts
  • Keypad controller
  • Interfacing GPS