Computing – BSc (Hons) in MIT


BSc (Hons) in Management of Information Technology (Specialization in IT Security & Support Management)

This course is aimed at the issues surrounding the planning, management and operation of secure information systems within an organisation.

As information systems today are so widely used to support the business functions, you will be made aware of the importance of information and systems security. You will also learn about the management of projects and be able to take pursue an area of particular interest to you, such as business analysis and consultancy skills, IT innovations or systems acquisition and development.

In a world where the opportunities to embrace technological change are ever present, the course prepares you towards a career which demands the ability to manage projects and an awareness of the ethical and professional responsibilities of a computer professional.

Entry Requirements

GCE A/L Stream
GCE A/L Results Three Simple passes
GCE O/L English Credit pass
GCE A/L English
Age 18+

University of Wolverhampton

The University of Wolverhampton has a long history of providing students with the opportunities presented by a first class education.

As a major player in the UK higher education sector, the UoW continue to excel in the areas that have contributed to their excellent reputation: award-winning teaching, state-of-the-art facilities, international partnerships, strong business links and innovative research.

Today’s modern University can be traced back to Wolverhampton’s Mechanics’ Institute and College of Art in the mid-1800s. These institutions, together with teacher training and health colleges that were later incorporated, developed their rich heritage and tradition of academic excellence in vocational higher education.

The UoW continue to be guided by it’s coat of arms’ motto ‘Innovation and Opportunity’ by widening participation in education and offering an outstanding portfolio of courses that challenge students to realise their potential. The quality of its teaching and learning was praised recently when the University received a commendation, the highest possible accolade, following the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) 2015 review.

University’s contributions to knowledge transfer, economic development, wealth creation and social justice position it as an active, pioneering institution on a local, national and global scale.

Programme Structure


Year Semester Modules Level Credits
1 1 21455D – Business Skills for e-Commerce 4 15
21456D – Computer Systems 4 15
21457D – Employability and Professional Development 4 15
21474D – IT Supports for End Users 4 15
2 21479D – Data Analysis and Design 5 15
21506D-  Systems Analysis and Design 4 15
21027D – Management of Projects 4 15
21470D – Networking TechnologiesOR21466D – Object Oriented ProgrammingOR21460D – Multimedia Designs and Authoring 4 15
21058D – Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation (Learning Outcome 01) 5 20
2 3 21494D – Digital ForensicsOR21155D – 3D Computer Modeling and Animation 5 15
21491D – IT VirtualizationOR21486D – Programming in .NETOR21483D – Computer Games Design and Development 5 15
21482D – Internet Server ManagementOR21481D – Web Applications Development 5 15
21472D – Design A Small Office Home Office Network 4 15
21058D – Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation (Learning Outcome 02 and 03) 5 20
4 21478D – Quality Systems in IT Organizations 5 15
21476D – Information Systems in Organizations 5 15
21492D – IT Security Management 5 15
21058D – Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation (Learning Outcome 04) 5 20
3 5CI002 – Information Systems Development and Implementation 5 20
6CS007 – Projects and Professionalism 6 40
5CI004 – IT Support 5 20
5CC003 – IT Security 5 20
6CI001 – Business Analysis and Consultancy Skills 6 20
6CC011 – IS Project Strategy 6 20
6CI003 – IT Security Management 6 20
6CI005 – Managing Projects 6 20


Software Development

Scope of Syllabus

Business Skills for e-Commerce Understand the structure and aims of business organisations
Understand the impact of e-Commerce
Be able to design e-Commerce solutions
Computer Systems Understand the function of computer systems
Be able to design computer systems
Be able to build and configure computer systems
Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer systems.
Employability and Professional Development Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development
Be able to demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferable skills
Understand the dynamics of working with others 4 Be able to develop strategies for problem solving.
IT Supports for End Users Understand user problems
Be able to provide user support
Be able to create user support programmes.
Data Analysis and Design Understand data models and database technologies
Be able to design and implement relational database systems
Be able to use manipulation and querying tools
Be able to test and document relational database systems.
Systems Analysis and Design Understand different systems life cycles
Understand the importance of a feasibility study
Be able to perform a system investigation
Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation Be able to formulate a project
Be able to implement the project within agreed procedures and to specification
Be able to evaluate the project outcomes
Be able to present the project outcomes.
Networking Technologies Understand networking principles
Understand networking components
Be able to design networked systems
Be able to implement and support networked systems.
Object Oriented Programming Understand the principles of object oriented programming
Be able to design object oriented programming solutions
Be able to implement object oriented programming solutions
Be able to test and document object oriented programming solutions.
Multimedia Designs and Authoring Understand the use of existing multimedia products
Know the importance of design discipline
Be able to apply design disciplines to a multimedia production
Be able to present a refined multimedia product prototype.
Digital Forensics Understand the impact of digital forensics on the social and commercial environments
Understand the principles of evidence gathering
Be able to plan and implement digital forensics investigations
Be able to analyse the outcomes of digital forensics investigations
3D Computer Modeling and Animation Understand how 3D computer modelling and animation are applied in commercial contexts
Be able to create an engaging 3D scene
Be able to create a 3D model within a scene
Be able to produce 3D animations to meet a creative brief.
IT Virtualization Understand the commercial impact and potential of virtualisation
Be able to design virtualisation deployments
Be able to implement virtualisation deployments
Be able to manage virtualisation environments.
Programming in .NET Understand the principles of programming using a .NET framework.
Be able to design .NET solutions
Be able to implement .NET solutions
Be able to test and document .NET solutions.
Computer Games Design and Development Understand computer games development
Be able to design computer games
Be able to develop computer games
Be able to test and document computer games.
Internet Server Management Understand internet technologies
Understand internet server architectures
Be able to implement internet server and services
Be able to manage internet server and services.
Web Applications Development Understand the concepts of web application development
Be able to design web applications
Be able to implement web applications
Be able to test web applications.
Design A Small Office Home Office Network Understand the impact of small or home office networks
Be able to design small or home office networks
Be able to implement small or home office networks
Be able to support small or home office networks.
Quality Systems in IT Organizations Understand the need for quality assurance in IT systems
Be able to employ standard quality control documentation
Be able to use project management tools.
Information Systems in Organizations Understand information needs within different functional areas of organisations
Be able to compare information systems
Be able to use information systems to produce management information.
Management of Projects Understand the principles of project management
Be able to plan a project in terms of organisation and people
Be able to manage project processes and procedures.
IT Security Management Understand risks to IT security
Understand mechanisms to control organisational IT security
Be able to manage organisational security.
Information Systems Development and Implementation Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the concepts, principles, theories and practices relating to information systems.
Apply appropriate theory, tools and techniques to the information systems development process.
Projects and Professionalism Demonstrate an awareness of the legal, social, ethical and professional issues involved in the exploitation of computer technology.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate in an effective and professional manner, in a genre appropriate to your award.
Demonstrate the skills required for the development of an artefact appropriate to your award. In most cases this will include: analysis, design, development and testing
Demonstrate the skills necessary to effectively manage and successfully complete a project
IT Support Demonstrate the ability to service ICT needs of business through knowledge application and support.
Demonstrate an understanding of the people issues involved in providing IT support.
IT Security Demonstrate knowledge of the main concepts involved in IT security.
Demonstrate practical skills in securing systems.
Business Analysis and Consultancy Skills Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of; organisational structures, business areas and functions, different types of business systems and applications, the use and evaluation of information systems and their impact.
Apply business analysis, consultancy skills and change management techniques to synthesise business solutions.
Communicate proposals for business solutions persuasively and effectively in a variety of forms.
IS Project Strategy How information and business systems are used and managed in an organization.
Contribute to the strategic planning, management and operation of business systems within organisations.
IT Security Management Apply appropriate theory, tools and techniques to the assessment and development of secure computer-based systems.
Identify and specify requirements of IT security to meet business needs and recovery from disaster situations.
Apply your knowledge and experience of the principles, practice, standards in the management of secure computing and the assurance of business continuity.
Managing Projects Contribute to the management and implementation of successful IT projects.
Demonstrate a range of transferable skills in: complex problem solving; communication; project management; working in a professional manner; self management ; and the ability to gather, synthesise, evaluate and reflect on relevant information from a range of sources.
Demonstrate a deep understanding of the principles, practice and applications of Project Management.


Assessment/ Academic Standards and Quality

In order to maintain the quality and standard of the examinations conducted and several other assessment methods, all work of the 1st and 2nd years of the programme is subject to an internal verification process referred to as the ‘Internal Verification’, conducted by the ISVU (Internal Standard Verifiers’ Unit) where the internal verifiers approved by Edexcel UK will verify the work of all the students prior to finalizing of the results. The said verified work is then subject to third verification process called External Verification (EV) whereby representatives from the Edexcel UK visit the Institute twice a year to verify the work of the students. Every such EV is meticulously conducted based on previous EV reports setting out the feedback, comments and/or recommendations if necessary.

In respect of the final year, all examinations are conducted by the University and the coursework is submitted online to the University. Each student will have an IT account with the University whereby students are given the opportunity to access the relevant materials of prgramme as that of an internal student of the University. Furthermore, all academic work of the 3rd year is monitored by the Quality Assurance Unit of the University of Wolverhampton.

It is also to be noted that in respect of all academic years, a minimum of 80% attendance is mandatory for students to sit for the examinations and to submit relevant coursework. Furthermore, all 3rd year modules are delivered, corrected and moderated by the lectures of the University of Wolverhampton who deliver these modules to the internal students of the University in UK, thereby assuring that our students are exposed to a harmonious blend of local and international learning experience and so to maintain the same level of standard required by the University.

In order to facilitate the studies further and in addition to the online library facility, recommended books are available in the BCAS campus library along with internet facility.


Panel of Lecturers

A high-caliber, competent, and experienced panel of lecturers with several years of Industrial and corporate experience ensures that our students gain maximum exposure to the inner workings of the industries through Practical examples, case studies and examples which helps build the foundation for further graduate level studies and also for future employability, whilst providing them with the knowledge to obtain high pass rates. Our lecturers have been well trained in latest teaching techniques and multiple assessment methodologies.


Programs and Awards

As this degree program is approved by both Edexcel UK and UoW, upon successful completion of the first two academic years (Stage 1) the students are awarded BTEC HND in Computing and Systems Development by the Edexcel UK and the UoW awards BSc (Hons) in Management of Information Technology degree upon completion of the entire three academic years (Stage 2).

Career Prospects

Graduates can enter a variety of IT security and business careers. Many of the employers linked to the degree offer graduate recruitment schemes. These can give you an idea of the kind of role that a successful MIT student could progress into. The programme’s employment/graduate prospects for MIT is increasingly higher over the years where graduates were employed with the industry or were continued further postgraduate studies in Masters and PhD.


Extra-Curricular Activities

The students have the opportunity of taking part in Extra-curricular activities such as CSR projects, exhibitions and etc… where the students can practice their time management and the leadership skills. Also students can do their own research on their respective fields with 24/7 open Research & Development department of School of computing.


Duration and Course fee


Duration Three Years
1st and 2nd year Course Fee:  Rs.219,000.00

Registration Fee: Rs.12,000.00
Initial Payment Rs.44,000.00
Edexcel Registration £ 205.00
Installments: Rs.12500.00 x 14 Months
Student Council Registration Rs.3500.00
3rd Year(Top-up Degree) Lecturer Part TimeSaturday and / or Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm – 12 Months
Course Fee: Rs.475,000.00
Initial Payment: Rs.100,000.00 (Application-5000.00/ Registration-25000.00/Initial Payment-75000.00)
Installments: 6 Installments are available

Application and Further Details

All applications should be submitted to the Administrative Officer of the respective centre directly or through post/email ( You can collect the application form at the respective centre or one can be download here

For Further Information:

Admissions Enquiries

British College of Applied Studies
32, Dharmarama Road,
Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2559255, +94 11 2501145