Bsc ( Hons ) In Information Technology

Enrolled students will study major-specific courses in the Third and Fourth Years of the Degree program. A student who has completed the degree program in IT should be able to explain and apply appropriate information technology skills and employ appropriate methodologies to help an individual or organization achieve its goals and objectives. A degree in Information Technology will enable you to understand how to program today’s computers and also how to design and implement the systems of the future, from traditional computer systems to the most modern smart phone.

The 4-year degree course structures are designed in compliance with the most recent guidelines of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).

Duration 4 Years
Credits 120
Mode of Study Full Time
Type of award BSc. (Hons.)

Students just after the A’Levels with an eye towards a career in Information Technology.

Students with Diploma-Level Information Technology Qualifications seeking a High-Caliber BSc in Information Technology as a top-Up.

Foreign Students seeking a Quality IT Degree at reasonable cost.

Students with an eye for high-caliber Post-Graduate level Computing research.

Students wishing for a dream career in IT-related academia.

Students wishing to blend an IT career with a super IT Qualification.

Mature students wishing to complement acquired IT-related Industrial Skills and Experience with solid Computing Foundations and Qualifications.

The BSc. (Hons) in Information Technology Degree focuses on developing IT Professionals with both traditional research orientation, as well as top-of-the-line industrial-skill strengths. This twin-focus emphasizes on a strong background in the prevalent computer science theory and concepts, and their pertinence and application in academia, research, and industry-focused domains.

Through practical and analytical engagement, students gain both advanced skills and in-depth understanding in a broad range of IT-related disciplines, and proficiency in developing effective strategies in managing computing projects in the local or global context.

The minimum entry requirements for the above program are as follows;
Minimum 3 “S” passes for GCE Advanced Level Examination.

Pursue post graduate study (Masters, PhD) in Information Technology.

Pursue post-graduate research in IT.

Pursue entrepreneurship in the Computing or Information Technology discipline.

Pursue an excellent career in Computing or Information Technology.

Pursuable designations include CEO, Director-IT, Head of IT, Software Manager, IT Manager, Database Manager, System Manager, QA Manager, Software Architect, System Administrator, and System Analyst, amongst others.

Pursue a rewarding teaching career in IT-related Academia.