Teacher Educator As An Educational Technologist – Online Course

Teacher Educator As An Educational Technologist – Online Course

The Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education offers an Online Course, “Teacher Educator as an Educational Technologist”, initially developed under the Distance Education Modernization Project (DEMP), and now revised and redesigned with integration of Open Educational Resources (OER), with the support from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in 2014.

This course offers students the opportunity to design, develop, implement, and evaluate appropriate educational technologies (ET). As part of this exercise, students are required to develop a rationale for using ET, design learning experience, select and use appropriate media to develop study materials, and evaluate its effectiveness. It would enable any person engaged in the field of education such as teachers, principals, educators, trainers etc., to develop competencies in using educational technology effectively.

The Teacher Educator as an Educational Technologist is a course existing in the MA in Teacher Education (International) Programme. It is offered as a Stand – Alone Online Course. Stand-alone courses are offered by the Open University of Sri Lanka to enable those who wish to obtain more information and additional knowledge in a specific area to do so without having to register for a complete Programme of Study. It is an ‘Online Plus’ course, where students can engage in all the course activities fully online, except for a single hands-on workshop held at Colombo Regional Centre.

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Source: Upadiyak.lk