How to create a professional and SEO friendly Gig on Fiverr

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How to create a professional SEO friendly Gig on Fiverr??

First of all, we will discuss Fiverr. What is Fiverr?

If you haven’t Fiverr seller account, read and create step by step SEO friendly fiverr Account;
How to make money on Fiverr

Fiverr is the marketplace platform where we sell our services. Your services are different like digital marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media Marketing, Graphic Designing, and many more. You can join Fiverr for earning.

Here we will learn about how to create a professional and effective gig on Fiverr with proper keyword research??

Keyword Research for create SEO friendly Gig on Fiverr:

Keyword research is more important for creating gigs. First of all, to start selling on Fiverr you need to complete your Fiverr profile. After this, go to the option to switch to buying. Here Search keywords that you have, Search it you will find many services here.


See services available, choose the right keyword which has low competition services. After searching the keyword open gigs follow the Level one and Level two sellers.
Searching keywords is important because your keywords become the permanent URL of the gig.

SEO friendly Title and tags:

Choose SEO-friendly Title for the gig that attracts buyers.

  1. After writing the title you need to choose the category and subcategory of your niche.
  2. Choose the Gig metadata option
  3. Now choose Languages. Minimum two languages are select.
  4. After selecting the title, category, subcategory, and language. you need a minimum of five tags that are important for the gig.
  5. use stages, to following the sellers. SEO-friendly stages needed.


After selecting the title and stages, now use the right packages. Choose Basic, standard, and premium. I advise you always start with 5 dollars, when you become level one or level two sellers, you can change the package.


After choosing the packages, now write a description. If you write a detailed description that does not matter.

  1. Open 5 gigs and analyze the gigs properly.
  2. Write a description and add your focus and targeted keywords
  3. Use low competition keywords in the gig
  4. Highlight, bullet, and bold the point you want to share.
  5. important point, why you choose this introduced yourself as a professional freelancer.


After writing the detailed gig description, now you need to write your requirements, that what you need from the buyer. Write full needs from the buyer that what your buyer wants. Because Customer satisfaction is more important for this work. If your buyer is satisfied with your work, they can give you more work, because they believed you in your work.
Add Images and videos:

  1. This is important for gigs, add attractive images and videos.
  2. An attractive thumbnail for a gig is needed, that attracts the buyers.
  3. If your gig thumbnail is attractive the buyer can click your gig and there is a lot of chance that you can get more orders and tasks on Fiverr.

Share your gigs on Social Media:

The last and important step is that share your gig on Social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, etc.

  1. create a professional LinkedIn profile and share your gigs on linked in. Here is a lot of chance for getting work.
  2. Join the group on Facebook, Like Fiverr gig promotion. And share gigs in these groups.
  3. Find buyers from groups and share your gigs here.
  4. Impressions and clicks are increased due to this.