Certifies Nursing Assistant (CNA) Job Description: Role, Salary, Responsibilities, Qualifications & Resume

The work of Certifies Nursing Assistant or CNA is key in the health care industry who offer clinical assistance and support to patients in different areas of healthcare. These include performing daily routine tasks for the patients, ensuring their comfort and assisting the healthcare team. The intent of this article is to provide detail regarding the CNA job position including compensation, functions and requirements helping you appreciate the significant contribution of CNAs specifically in the provision of care for the patients.

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CNA Job Description

Certified nursing assistants or CNA’s make the ability to perform basic tasks and offer minimal nursing care which is done under supervision of a registered practitioner or nurse22. Due to their nature of work, CNAs operate from nursing homes, hospitals, aided living and home health facilities штат. Include their roles include In Debera Cncs, CNAs help provide the bedridden with the basic functions including but not limited to movement, feeding them, dressing them and even the activities of daily living.

CNAs are the ones who engage more with the patients and their families, establishing bonds while fulfilling the patients’ physical and emotional needs. This position comes with a lot of physical challenges and at the same time, it is very fulfilling since students and other patients assist the patients during their hour of needs.

Resume Description for This Job

It is essential to feature your caring potential as well as familiarity with healthcare procedures when writing a resume for a CNA. Here’s a sample resume description for a CNA position:

“Compassionate Certified Nursing Assistant with a proven record of delivering quality patient care in a dynamic healthcare setting. Proficient in assisting patients with activities of daily living, providing comfort, and keeping surroundings tidy and secure. Responsible for effective patient communication, detail orientation, and constructive patient-nurse relationship. Focuses on advocating for patients in the healthcare system to improve their health and healing process.”

Feel free to adjust details to better match your experience!


Employment and geographic area, together with the type of health establishment influence the pay of CNAs in the United States. Here’s an overview of salary expectations:

  • Entry-level CNA: $28,000 – $32,000 per year
  • CMTs with mid-level experience: 2-5 years: $32,000 – $36,000
  • Master CMTs: more than 5 years: $36,000 – $42,000 and above

Income might be slightly higher for CNAs working in hospitals and specialized care institutions. Also, those residing in bigger metropolitan areas may receive higher salaries.


A person with a blood pressure device in their hand

A Certified Nursing Assistant performs a variety of tasks which are helpful in the patient’s care as well as in the activities of the healthcare team. These duties involve:

  • Assistance in Daily Activities: Assisting patients with daily functions such as toilet use, bathing, dressing, and feeding while enhancing their self-respect.
  • Aiding in Patient Mobility: Providing support to patients needing help to now stand or walk, wheel, and do exercises so that they do not develop bedsore.
  • Recording of Vital Signs: Recording and measuring patient indicators such as blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiration, and heart rates and any deviations to the necessary nurse.
  • Creatively Caring for Patients: Making the bed, changing the bed cover & linen, cleaning the room and organizing patient items so they are at ease.
  • Communication: Patients may be provided with companionship and comfort when they are offered an encouragement which is useful in the long-term care of patients.
  • Patient Monitoring and Reporting Changes: Change in condition and behavior of patients is out to be noted and changes reported to the nurses on duty for timely response.


In case the nursing assistant is to be successful, certain training, prospects certification, and capabilities are important. Among the basic vertebrates CNAs are:

  • Education: Usually a high school or G.E.D. is needed, as well as the students completion of the relevant state approved CAN classes.
  • Certification: Certification from the state is required for all candidates wishing to work as a CNA. Although each state is different, the test usually consists of both written and practical components, most states have certification requirements.
  • Skills: Good communication skills, honesty, empathy, patience, and heavy lifting in attending to and helping patients.
  • Attention to Detail: Routine checks on vital signs, changes in patient’s condition, and record movements and other information as necessary on files.


Q1: Are CNAs required to possess a license or certification?

Yes, in order to be certified you have to complete a CNA training program that has been approved by the government. Most healthcare facilities won’t let you in unless you have this license number.

Q2: What do you have to do as a CNA, and where do they work? Describe a typical work environment for a CNA.

CNA’s work in different healthcare institutions like nursing homes, hospitals, and long-term care centers. It requires a lot of physical effort as the position also means moving or transferring patients from one point to another so most of the time; patients are going to need assistance in sitting up.

Q3: Is home health care CNA available for the patients who require them? If yes, who are those people?

Yes, in fact many CNAs go out to the homes of patients who need assistance in their own home which is where they receive the care. The home health care CNAs do the same things they do in the facility or hospital however they are on their own more.

Q4: Can you elaborate on the long-term opportunities available for a CNA?

Further certification, for example as a Certified Medication Aide or Patient Care Technician, may enable CNAs to move up in the healthcare profession. Others opt to continue their schooling and become Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN).


In summary, the position of CNA is of high significance in the provision of healthcare services since they assist in direct patient care as well as fill in gaps within healthcare teams. Focusing on helping and meeting patients’ needs, CNAs acquire expertise and are positively involved in the processes, laying strong grounds for the pursuance of a career in medicine.
