What We Are
Welcome to onlinejobs.lk, a trustworthy website that will assist you in locating the most suitable work opportunities in Sri Lanka. No matter if you are an employer looking for the appropriate talent or a job seeker looking for your next career step, we are here to link you with the ideal candidate for the position you are looking for.
Who We Are
Onlinejobs.lk, an important online job marketplace in Sri Lanka, was established in 2018. Our goal is to close the talent-opportunity gap and empower both companies and job seekers. We offer a comprehensive and user-friendly platform with a large database of job ads from many industries to assist people in finding satisfying work and companies in finding the best applicants.
What We Offer
For Job Seekers:
We provide a wide variety of job offers, ranging from beginning positions to senior positions, in many different kinds of industries, including information technology, healthcare, education, finance, and others. Our platform is user-friendly, and it enables those who are looking for work to search for positions based on factors such as location, industry, amount of experience, and wage expectations. Directly applying for employment, uploading your resume, and staying up to date with the most recent openings are all things that you can do with onlinejobs.lk.
For The Employers:
In order to be of assistance to businesses, we offer them a strong tool that allows them to locate skilled professionals. It is possible for employers to publish job opportunities, look through resumes, and connect with the appropriate talent that is suitable for their organization’s requirements.
Our Vision
We at onlinejobs.lk want to improve the way people connect with career opportunities by becoming the most successful job portal in Sri Lanka. We envision a future in which every person has access to work opportunities of high quality and every business is able to hire employees in a successful way.
Why Should You Pick Us?
Comprehensive Listings: Our website provides access to a wide range of employment opportunities from trustworthy employers.
A User-Friendly Experience: We designed our website to be easy to use and accessible for both job seekers and current employees.
Reliable: We are committed to ensuring that the job opportunities listed on our platform are genuine and appropriate for the position..
Get in Touch With Us
We place a high value on the comments provided by our users and work hard to regularly improve our platform. If you have any enquiries, ideas, or require assistance, please feel free to get in touch with us at the following address:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +94 (0)11 765 4321
Thank you for choosing onlinejobs.lk as your trusted job portal in Sri Lanka